Soooo, as if Marti and I haven't come up with enough crafty shenanigans (some of which coming up are SO FREAKING COOL, may I just add), we've decided to add another one to our proverbial plates - this one, not so crafty-related, hence the new BLOG!

So every month we've decided to set three 'small' goals for ourselves each in the categories of diet and exercise. We will focus on those goals for the entire month so as to not overwhelm ourselves or ask too much of ourselves (for now) so the temptation to quit is more unlikely (we're hoping!). If you wanna participate, feel free and let us know how it's working out for you! Or if you've got any tips, tricks, encouragement or suggestions, we ALWAYS want to hear them, so be sure to let us know!

Here we gooooo...

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Month 1, Day 1: Here We Go...

...alright folks! Today is the first day of the rest of my journey towards a skinnier self! I am PUMPED! (*fingers crossed* Hope it stays that way!)

I'm so happy that Marti jumped on board with this! The idea of doing it by myself isn't all that empowering since I know myself pretty well and I was already pretty much ready to quit before I'd even started! I read my blog post last night with all my epiphanies and promises and I was like..."WHO THE HELL WROTE THAT?! That does NOT sound like something I would say!" *LOL*

So in going with the wee baby steps plan, here are my three goals for diet for the month of MAY:
  1. Drink AS MUCH water as I possibly can throughout the day. I didn't want to cage myself in by saying 6 - 8 glasses a day because I'm not sure how I'll be able to do that right off the bat and who knows what I'll be like at the end of the month, maybe I'll be drinking more (ha, ha, not bloody likely, but who knows?!). So seeing as how I can go DAYS without drinking plain ol' water AT ALL, I'm going to say AS MUCH as I can with the minimum being at LEAST one glass of water three times a day with my meals.
  2. NO more soda. Coca-Cola, Root Beer, Dr. Pepper and ALL the likes of MORE! I will make the exception and say DIET will be fine, but I hate anything Diet so I doubt that'll be helpful to me at all.
  3. No more french fries. I was going to say no more fast food, but with the way that Bart and I are operating these days and how we're always GO GO GO, I don't think I could really live up to that just yet and since we're trying to set ourselves up to SUCCEED instead of fail, I'm not going to cut it out. But with this goal, even if we do go to a fast food joint I won't feel like I'm cheating or failing but I will be reining myself in by not getting french fries and that ought to help even a little bit, right? Baby steps, baby steps...

My three goals for exercise are:

  1. Take Chewy for a walk every day - for a minimum of at LEAST 15 minutes (I'm saying 15 instead of 30 because like I said before...we're a GO GO GO kinda couple...sometimes it really won't be possible to do the half hour out!)
  2. Make it to the gym (to do a class or a cardio session or whatever) at least ONCE a week.
  3. Take the stairs at ALL the times possible within reason (meaning I will not climb a freakin' sky-high apartment that's over 10 floors up...HAHAHA)

Okay! So those are my goals for the month of MAY!!! I've heard that it takes about two weeks to turn things into a habit so I'm hoping that by going a WHOLE month of doing these things will become ingrained in me and will feel more natural than work and I'll be able to keep it up once I add next months wee little goals.

So with that said, I'm off for lunch!

- Catherine


Thats What You Get - Paramore


Sandie said...

Best of luck ladies!!!!

~BridgetL~ said...

I am betting that you both do really well with this. Its so much easier when you have someone else to help you along. Good luck.

Anita said...

Good luck! I like your goals!