Soooo, as if Marti and I haven't come up with enough crafty shenanigans (some of which coming up are SO FREAKING COOL, may I just add), we've decided to add another one to our proverbial plates - this one, not so crafty-related, hence the new BLOG!

So every month we've decided to set three 'small' goals for ourselves each in the categories of diet and exercise. We will focus on those goals for the entire month so as to not overwhelm ourselves or ask too much of ourselves (for now) so the temptation to quit is more unlikely (we're hoping!). If you wanna participate, feel free and let us know how it's working out for you! Or if you've got any tips, tricks, encouragement or suggestions, we ALWAYS want to hear them, so be sure to let us know!

Here we gooooo...

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Day 8: Punch, Drink, Kick, Drink, Jab, Drink...

...are you seeing some sort of pattern forming? Let me tell you, that pattern right there is the only reason why I'm still ALIVE, I tell ya! I can't even believe a week went by that fast. Wasn't it only yesterday that I was punch, kick, jabbing? And all of a sudden I'm doing it again?!

Even though my burning calf muscles, thighs, abs, back, shoulders, arms, wrists, toes, nailbeds and hair follicles are telling me different, I did actually do much better this time around than last week. I think I was able to last a bit longer throughout the different combos and take less pretend water breaks (plus I think the instructor was beginning to catch on since I did it so many times last week...*LOL*) She's a tough one, she actually yelled out "COME ON! This is what you came here FOOOOR! Why did you come if you're not going to GIIIIIVE IT?! Don't you dare stop unless you actually really NEED TO!" I was too busy gasping for breath and trying to see around the black spots dancing around my field of vision to yell at her that I DID NEED TO! I'm going to keep going and not complain too much about it...but I'm just saying...if I get attacked in an alley or something, I better be able to throw down punch, hook, jab and drop kick the living daylights out of that moron without breaking a sweat. If that karate kid was able to learn how to beat people up after waxing on and waxing off, then I should be able to do it no problem...I'm just saying...

ANYWHO! That's that with the exercise part. From absolutely ZERO activity (unless you count my arm movement when I bring the food to mouth) to cardio twice in one week, I'd say I'm giving myself two thumbs up!

That towel right there has SWEAT on it. LOTS! And that water bottle is EMPTY! (2 parts pretending to need a water break and drinking the water and 1 part actually just needing to drink the water - but whatevs, the same goal is accomplished anyway! I will be very proud of the day when I'll get through class without having to feign a water break, though...)

The diet portion is going pretty well too! After that not-so-great start on Monday, yesterday went awesome! I ate my breakfast, had to force myself to eat my snack (sometimes I actually do enough work that I'll forget my break - CONFESSION: we were stuffing bills today so I was actually reading the Breaking Dawn eBook while stuffing which is the actual reason why I almost forgot to eat my snack - and I feel okay with announcing on my blog that I was reading because I was SIMULTANEOUSLY doing ACTUAL work at the same time. MULTITASKERS are AWESOME!) I totally got sidetracked, where was I? Oh right, so for lunch I wasn't so good (but didn't cheat) and ended up having a burger from Harvey's (I've been eating too many burgers lately, methinks...) but just the burger. No fries, no pop. I took the burger back to the office and ate that with my tall glass of water and my delicious salad. Ate my afternoon snack of non-fat yogurt and cereal for crunch and went to the cardio kickboxing class! Came home and ate pork souvlaki and mashed potatoes. All of these are STILL ten times better than how I used to eat before, so I'm feeling good about everything! I did go a bit lax on the water drinking today. I was only able to get in two glasses at work (even though I've already read it, Breaking Dawn is STILL such a good entertaining read!) but I made up for it at the gym during my water "breaks" and after!

So that's Day 8 and I'm feelin' GREAT! I haven't really been weighing myself (can't seem to find a scale I actually trust) so I'm going to use a different method for now. Yesterday, Bart and I were cleaning out our closets and I found a pair of jeans. These are THE TEST PAIR of jeans that I will be using. I tried to put them on last night and it fit pretty good everywhere else except for the fact that I couldn't get them done up. So every few weeks or so, I'll put on the TEST JEANS and see what's what...after I'm able to get them done up, I'll know that I'm on the right track!

I think this may be the longest I've ever stayed on any kind of diet I'm definitely going to stick with it! How're you doing?


Just Like A Pill - Pink

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