Soooo, as if Marti and I haven't come up with enough crafty shenanigans (some of which coming up are SO FREAKING COOL, may I just add), we've decided to add another one to our proverbial plates - this one, not so crafty-related, hence the new BLOG!

So every month we've decided to set three 'small' goals for ourselves each in the categories of diet and exercise. We will focus on those goals for the entire month so as to not overwhelm ourselves or ask too much of ourselves (for now) so the temptation to quit is more unlikely (we're hoping!). If you wanna participate, feel free and let us know how it's working out for you! Or if you've got any tips, tricks, encouragement or suggestions, we ALWAYS want to hear them, so be sure to let us know!

Here we gooooo...

Monday, May 18, 2009

Book Review: Skinny Bitch

...ugh, Ugh, UGH! I want my money back.

Or I should just blame myself for buying a book because it was being talked about, but not actually bothering to find out what it was actually about or read any reviews about it. Which is weird for me because I am a review-a-holic. Mine and Bart's first vacation together took forever because I kept searching for reviews on each of the places we were considering on going (I heart TripAdvisor!)

Now keep in mind that this is all my own personal opinion and it is not uncommon that peoples' opinions can differ. But this book...*one highly raised skeptical eyebrow* I have half a mind to take it's picture off the blog for fear of advertising for it...

Anywho, it's cover describes the book as a no-nonsense, tough-love guide for savvy girls who want to stop eating crap and start looking fabulous. I don't even know where to start...I guess 'no-nonsense' would be a good place...since I found this book full of nonsense! Granted there were definitely some good basic points in the book that cannot be refuted or denied. But regardless of who holds a whatever kind of degree in anything, trying to write an intelligent book that you want people to take seriously cannot have a sentence like, "...before you say, 'I could never give up meat,' realize that nearly every single vegetarian on the planet said those same words, then shut the fuck up, look at an inspirational picture of a skinny bitch and clean out your freezer." (pg. 53) *wrinkles nose* To me it just seems so...tacky.

When I was younger I read an interview with Will Smith and he was talking about how his grandmother saw some of his earlier lyrics and told him off for having expletives in it. She said that "intelligent people do not use these words to express themselves," and I have kept that with me ever since. If it is not acceptable to write profanity in a scientific peer-reviewed journal, then you don't write a 'self-help' book that you want other people to take seriously. Not ONLY does it have profanity in the way I just illustrated, it goes on to swear and mock the reader, ie. "Coffee is for pussies," (pg. 15) and the ever amusing, "Get your head out of your ass. Milk = fat. Butter = fat. Cheese = fat. People who think these products can be low fat or fat free = fucking morons." (pg. 63) and "Don't be a cheap asshole." (pg. 179). Doesn't that make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside? Inspired to feel good about yourself? I know I certainly do! *feel the sarcasm here, please*

If those lovely tid-bits of inspirational goodies didn't convince you of these ladies' credibility and didn't get you rarin' to take their 'intelligent' advice, let's look at some of their actual recommendations. Hmmm...lemme see...oh, here's one: "Health is Wealth makes fake buffalo wings that taste so good, your pubes will fall out." (pg. 54). WOW!

Now don't get me wrong here. I am not being a prude or uptight. I can cuss it up with the best of the trucker's at any truckstop and can even string a few along to make one messed up sentence even an athlete will have to pause in their tobacco chewin' to make sense of what I just said - but that's not the point. I will not write it in a novel I'd like to have published and then expect to be taken seriously. I would not hand it into my former University professors and expect an A+ and a glowing recommendation. Having those little gems in there is not no-nonsense and it is not tough-love and it does not imply savviness. It's trash masking scientific half-truths and misleading, misrepresented data.

Getting into the nitty gritty of the book as a whole. What the authors are saying is that to be a Skinny Bitch you must do this: Give up dairy. Give up meat. That's it. No two ways about it. It doesn't offer any helpful tips on how to improve your diet, it pretty much suggests tells you to radically change your diet and then goes on to give 'scientific fact' on why veganism is the way to go. I'm not saying it isn't and I happen to know a vegan who looks pretty freakin' fantastic, but is it the ONLY way to go, as the book suggests? I highly doubt it. Is it safe to suggest to the readers out there to cut out ALL forms of meat, dairy, poultry and seafood in order to get skinny? I highly doubt it.

All in I said before, the book has some very good points (if you can read in between the lines that are so desperately shouting 'trying too hard to be "cool" and "modern") there are some facts there that even the newbie dieter should have already picked up. Nothing new there. But that's pretty much it. Besides spouting the nothing new factoids, the rest of the book pretty much goes on to paint a completely negative picture of the farming industry, the FDA and the cruelty to animals. I get it girls, you are not big fans of meat or the government. In fact, this theme is so apparent in the book that it should have actually been titled "Skinny Bitches Bitch about Government Agencies." They have a WHOLE 23-page chapter entitled: "Have No Faith: Government Agencies Don't Give a Shit About Your Health. To have the gall to create a chapter titled that way, you'd better give me more than 23 pages of facts, data and proof to support your thesis. Which is entirely what it is. A theory. The funny thing is, when I said that 23 pages was too short to form a solid foundation to uphold such a theory, this chapter is probably the longest of all the other chapters in the 191-page book. Besides talking about what healthy foods to eat, besides talking about the benefits of exercise and the truths about carbs, the authors spent a better part of their book on their negative views of government agencies. Interesting...

In closing (I know this is getting pretty long) I am so downright irritated by this book I can't even keep my jaw from dropping every time I remember certain "features" it. The short version of the review is this: if you are not planning on giving up meat, dairy or poultry you are a "fucking fat pig moron" (all quoted words are taken directly in-context from the book. If you are looking for a way to better improve your diet, if you are looking for tips and suggestions on what you could add to supplement your diet, this is NOT the book for you. Save yourself $16 (which is what I paid for this ridiculous "book" - thank GOODNESS I didn't get the gift set) and research other books with better reviews or with sound/scientific/proven data that attempts to make the you who are you BETTER and not radically change you from the person you are into a bitch...albeit skinny.

Disclaimer: I am in no means putting down veganism or vegans' all around the world's choices in becoming a vegan. I think it's awesome for those out there are have chosen to become one and are enjoying that chosen lifestyle. I am in no means implying or indicating that the cruelty to animals that were outlined in the book "Skinny Bitch" do not exist or do not happen (chances are, in some cases they do because there are just stupid people out there who think that their having a certain power over another helpless creature gives them the right to behave in those ways). The opinions of this review are solely mine and I am not expecting you to take it at face-value. If you are thinking the book would be helpful to you, by all means please go out and get it. In fact, E-Mail me, you can have my copy, just pay shipping and handling and it's all yours.


Pitbull - Ay Chico - Pitbull - Ay Chico


~BridgetL~ said...

Exactly why I didn't bother to waste my money on the book. Sorry you shelled out that much for a piece of ----! lol

Mary said...

ohhh my dear Catherine, I wish we had talked about this before you spent your hard earned dollars.

As a vegan I am in a position to speak from the perspective of tons of vegans...probably 70% of us if I was going to venture a guesstimate...when I say that we are at best disgusted and at worst violently angry at the authors of this book.

Veganism is about compassion...about patience, respect and love and understanding for all the creatures of this earth. Nothing about this book says that. They are negating the basic principle of veganism, which is "harm none". What about cussing someone out and calling them a fat pig is compassionate, harmless?

On top of that, they condense dozens of studies done over several years by actual reputable organizations into 200 pages of nonsense with no references, no authenticity..just threats, basically, is how I see it. They are threatening people to go vegan or be fat and miserable.

I also don't like the promotion of skinny = attractive versus getting healthy. I get that they are probably trying to shock people into awareness of what is going on around them, but I don't know about you, if someone is insulting me all of my receptors turn off.

The worst part is that Skinny Bitch is not the most anger-inducing aspect of their work for me. Skinny Bitch in the Kitch, their recipe book is even more disheartening to me as a vegan. Page after page of vegan junk food packaged as 'healthy'. They cut out meat and dairy...but instead of concentrating on natural living (which is also what veganism is about..VEGanism = VEGetables) they fill the holes with pseudo foods...fake cheeses, fake meats...which are loaded with MSG, isolated soy and other highly processed items. It was the biggest waste of money of my LIFE. I tried to give it a fair shake (because I had creased it and therefore couldn't return it after I realized what I had bought) and I think there is only one recipe I've kept out of there and even that is NOT something to eat for losing weight even though it's packaged that way. Vegan junk food at it's finest. I am so disgusted that this has become 'mainstream veganism'...and I worry about how me and my fellow compassionate vegans are being portrayed by these women.

Whew, this was a novel! I will stop ranting, but seriously big red button issue to me as a vegan lol.. Anyway, if you ever want to try a real vegan meal or two, I would highly recommend .. lots of healthy recipes without the know-it-all-ness. Also if there's anything you like on my blog I can send you the recipes, no problem. :)