Soooo, as if Marti and I haven't come up with enough crafty shenanigans (some of which coming up are SO FREAKING COOL, may I just add), we've decided to add another one to our proverbial plates - this one, not so crafty-related, hence the new BLOG!

So every month we've decided to set three 'small' goals for ourselves each in the categories of diet and exercise. We will focus on those goals for the entire month so as to not overwhelm ourselves or ask too much of ourselves (for now) so the temptation to quit is more unlikely (we're hoping!). If you wanna participate, feel free and let us know how it's working out for you! Or if you've got any tips, tricks, encouragement or suggestions, we ALWAYS want to hear them, so be sure to let us know!

Here we gooooo...

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Day 9 & 10: It all works...

Now, I can see that this looks a bit contradictory. The cashier especially thought so when I plunked it down on the counter. *LOL* It also got me thinking about some things...

First of all, lemme just say that the chocolate isn't really technically for me. CONFESSION: My craft room has about 8 bars of chocolate right now. But the thing is, most of those chocolate bars have been in there for over a week now - and I haven't touched them! Well, I've touched them..but not to eat! This Crafty Loser likes to re-wrap chocolate bars with paper and make it look all cute more than she likes to EAT them! So when I was at Chapters for the purpose of picking up this book and saw the Moments chocolates (little individually wrapped confections are my crafty weakness) I thought they'd make a good thing to try and re-package all crafty-like.

Anywho...CONFESSION: I have been very, very bad this weekend! *deep breath* I fell off the wagon. *winces* I had french fries today with my breakfast! In my defence though...we usually always go out for breakfast after church on Sundays! And I always substitute french fries for my homefries because I'm not a big fan of homefries (except for calling people homefry) and I automatically ordered the substitution when the server came around. *cringe* But I ate them too since they were already ordered and right in front of me. But to help a little, I did invite Bart to partake in the eating of the fries which almost makes it not a bad thing because I probably had about three fries before I looked down at my plate and saw that the rest of them were already devoured. Besides being a popcorn hog, my husband is also a french fry monger - and today, a very useful diet aide! Anywho, not making excuses for myself...I was baaaad!

My mom and I did flowers for a wedding this weekend and we were so behind that we were still working at 4 am Saturday morning. For me, when I get really busy or focused on something, that means everything else goes right out the window. I took a half day on Friday and as soon as I left work, there was no drinking of the water. For dinner on that night we went to McDonald's for something quick and I got water but was so intent on the bouquet-making that I didn't even touch it. Saturday morning I made the delivery an hour out of town and came back home and slept. Until about 9 pm! Hence STILL no water drinking and no eating either! Bart came home from work with a pizza and we ate in bed and I promptly fell asleep after that! I've already confessed my Sunday transgression, so all in all..not a very good weekend - especially as lax as the diet already is! And exercise? Nada! Not even a little hippity-hop on the trampoline to make up for any of bad things I ate!

I was thinking this as I was wandering down the Health & Well-Being aisle at Chapters. There are a TON of diet books and there are a TON of exercise books. They even had exercise DVD's as well and from just standing there, who the heck would be able to choose just one? And I'm thinking to myself...ALL of these probably work. I reached for the Skinny Bitch Booty Bouncin' DVD and then put it back before I remembered I already have the whole series of Hip Hop Abs DVDs at home (I am SUCH a sucker for infomercials I tell you!) I also have Core Rhythms exercise DVDs, I also have the trampoline and the weights and a membership at the gym. I'm sure they ALL work at weight loss. The only problem is I'm not DOING them.

I'm thinking that's probably the problem with a lot of people trying to lose weight and it's just easier to blame it on the method we chose to lose weight. I got Hip Hop Abs and considered it money wasted because it didn't work and told everyone that it didn't work...conveniently leaving out the part that I only did it for like, a week before quitting (okay, seriously, the guy on it IRRITATED the living daylights out of me!) So even though I kind of fell off the wagon, I'm not going to quit. I'm going to get back up and try to do better this week instead of dwelling on the stuff I (didn't) do this week - starting with my book!

Here's what this crafty loser did when she got into her craft room with one of the packages of chocolates:

You know...for emergencies...*grins*

That's it for me, off to read about how to be a skinny bitch! Will let you know how it is!


Dirty Little Secret - The All-American Rejects

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