Soooo, as if Marti and I haven't come up with enough crafty shenanigans (some of which coming up are SO FREAKING COOL, may I just add), we've decided to add another one to our proverbial plates - this one, not so crafty-related, hence the new BLOG!

So every month we've decided to set three 'small' goals for ourselves each in the categories of diet and exercise. We will focus on those goals for the entire month so as to not overwhelm ourselves or ask too much of ourselves (for now) so the temptation to quit is more unlikely (we're hoping!). If you wanna participate, feel free and let us know how it's working out for you! Or if you've got any tips, tricks, encouragement or suggestions, we ALWAYS want to hear them, so be sure to let us know!

Here we gooooo...

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Day 17: Diet, thy enemy is the WEEKEND!

...going to a restaurant when you're on a diet is like taking a test you didn't really study for. During a test, you kind of think you know the answers and feel as if they are right there on the edge of your memory, but you can't quite grasp it and get it out there on paper. At a restaurant, the server waits while you try to get the healthy option off the tip of your tongue, but you just can't get it out because the garlic shrimp pasta just sounds so much better!

The weekend was bad. Correction: I was bad! I shouldn't blame it on the weekend, the weekend didn't do anything it doesn't normally always do. Should lay the blame where it belongs and that's all with me! I'm so weak for noodles...and popcorn...and M&M's. CONFESSION: I accidentally on purpose forgot to list the M&M's I ate at the movies on my calorie counter. No need to kick a girl when she's already down now, is there?

So thank goodness I got Saturday's Active workout in there or else I wouldn't have gotten an increase in calorie allowance. I think that's the only thing I didn't go over in (even with the M&M's that I conveniently left off). Everything else was pretty up there...and if my counter was recording SODIUM...holy crap, it would be off the chart!

So Bart and I went out to Boston Pizza for dinner (no stove, oven, sink still, there was really no other options...we'd already had lunch with family at the anniversary party!) I thought I would be a good girl and order off of their "healthy" section menu and it wasn't so bad until I saw the sodium part. 1100 g of sodium! For shrimp skewers and a salad! HOLY CRAP! It pretty much makes all the water that I forced myself to drink irrelevant! *sighs* I have no idea why I do such things to myself. Work hard at one part, only to do something else that completely obliterates even the hard part! Ay-yay-yay...

Again, I'm not going to be too hard on myself. I recognize and acknowledge that I could have done way better, but I'm also recognizing and acknowledging that I used to eat much worse. But like I said, eating the same way I used to eat will get me nowhere and lying to my calorie counter and blog is essentially like lying to myself and won't help me to get any skinnier, so YES, I ate those M&M's dammit!

So that was Saturday and I don't know if today was better or worse. Ate a poached egg and Fibre 1 cereal with soy milk for breakfast and had Grill 'Ems (with cheddar *whimpers*) and a tossed salad for lunch. Dinner I ate another one of those Lean Cuisine paninis and I.was.still.HUNGRY. Hungry like I could NOT get it off my mind. I tried to watch a movie, I tried to go on the message boards, I tried to go in my scraproom, but all I could think of was FOOD. I went back to the couch to snuggle with the husband to try to get my mind off FOOD and I turned to him and was like, "WHY DO YOU SMELL LIKE A HAMBURGER?" Turns out he was sneaking off into the kitchen to have bites of a hamurger so I wouldn't have to see him eating in front of me. I managed to last about another hour before I got up all determined like to look for my car keys. I was going to Sobey's to hunt down a Skinny Cow!

TIP: Everyone probably already knows this, but it totally bears repeating: Do NOT go into a grocery store when you're hungry. Under NO circumstances. You just have no common sense when you're hungry, you end up thinking with your stomach and not your brain and $30 later, you walk out with more than a Skinny Cow. I tried to be good and bought healthier snack foods that I could keep with me at the office, unfortunately, I wasn't thinking and pretty much bought all "healthy" junk food. It was only when I was leaving the store that it occured to me that I should have bought some fresh fruit and vegetables that I could prepare - even a freakin' BANANA would have been good to grab and eat for snacks and some fat-free yogurt since we were out at home. Instead, I have two boxes of Skinny Cow goodies (they could also change her name to Expensive B*tch...I should write that in their suggestion section on their website, it seems like a more accurate description) and a package of Cadbury Moments in Dark Chocolate. I don't even like dark chocolate, but my one health book said that if I absolutely have to have chocolate, try going dark as it's full of antioxidants, blah blah blah. Let me just say that there are only a few times that I asbolutely need chocolate, and I can guarantee you that it's not antioxidants that I'll be thinking about when I need to inhale those babies. But I'm hoping that having them around will help. *shrugs* Also came out with a box of Kashi granola bars. I'll have to write that guy in the commercial because he promised to eat the box if I didn't like it and I most certainly do NOT like it. If you want to know what it tastes like...imagine an open-faced peanut butter sandwich falling face-down on the ground. Imagine picking it up and eating the DIRT on which the sandwich fell on. That comes pretty close...lemme think, what else did I get? Oh right, they were having a 3 for $4 on Quaker Crispy Minis chips - which are delicious and chances are I could eat a whole bag before my body even recognizes it's inhaled calories. I should try to count out how many are the actual serving size that the calories are counted for, put those in a ziplock baggie and take only those. Should have thought of that this morning so I wouldn't have a whole bag sitting behind me right now...

Ah well...done is done and at least they're still healthier snacks than I normally would have chosen for myself.

So, all-in-all, bad dieter but a better week is coming. Tomorrow is Day Four of my Wii Active 30 Day Challenge and Tuesday and Wednesday are gym daaaays! It'll be a better week. Scout's honour!


jump up lets (get krazy) pitbull and lil john (lyrics).mp3 - pitbul

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