Soooo, as if Marti and I haven't come up with enough crafty shenanigans (some of which coming up are SO FREAKING COOL, may I just add), we've decided to add another one to our proverbial plates - this one, not so crafty-related, hence the new BLOG!

So every month we've decided to set three 'small' goals for ourselves each in the categories of diet and exercise. We will focus on those goals for the entire month so as to not overwhelm ourselves or ask too much of ourselves (for now) so the temptation to quit is more unlikely (we're hoping!). If you wanna participate, feel free and let us know how it's working out for you! Or if you've got any tips, tricks, encouragement or suggestions, we ALWAYS want to hear them, so be sure to let us know!

Here we gooooo...

Monday, May 11, 2009

catchin up!

SO i have been neglecting BOTH my blogs! just not enough hours...

how's the diet going? well i think my first week gets a C...minus :)

i HAVE been drinking water and i HAVE been cutting back but not cutting back ENOUGH. HOWEVER exercise is a big fat ZERO! *sigh*

i got those crystal light powders to make the water taste better. i was not too into it until i noticed i managed to pick one with caffeine ROTLMAO!!

so we will NOT be discussing exercise today.....(or my mother's day Thai food dinner last night from my fave restaurant).

so a yummy lunch i have discovered:
little mini super tortilla

2 slices of deli meat (be sure and get the *healthier* variety - just ask) and HALF a slice of low fat cheese. now microwave it just a bit to get the cheese slightly gooey.

NOW top it all off with loads of homemade salsa and lettuce, wrap it up and eat!
now here's to a better week!!


Renee said...

Hi the idea for the new blog and I really need the motivation so I gotta tell you....the cupcake background is killing me....... :)

Have a great healthy day!

Catherine said...

That's a delicious looking wrap, there, girlfriend!!!!