Soooo, as if Marti and I haven't come up with enough crafty shenanigans (some of which coming up are SO FREAKING COOL, may I just add), we've decided to add another one to our proverbial plates - this one, not so crafty-related, hence the new BLOG!

So every month we've decided to set three 'small' goals for ourselves each in the categories of diet and exercise. We will focus on those goals for the entire month so as to not overwhelm ourselves or ask too much of ourselves (for now) so the temptation to quit is more unlikely (we're hoping!). If you wanna participate, feel free and let us know how it's working out for you! Or if you've got any tips, tricks, encouragement or suggestions, we ALWAYS want to hear them, so be sure to let us know!

Here we gooooo...

Friday, May 8, 2009

Day 3: Getting a jump start...

...I am doing a pretty good job on this baby step diet, if I do say so myself! Because there aren't SO many outstanding demands, me being able to complete the three goals all day everyday has left me feeling pretty good and motivated! Normally at this time with a cold turkey diet of cutting everything bad out, I would have already cheated multiple times and felt bad enough about it that I just scrap the diet altogether! So pat on the back for me and for Marti and for any of you who are trying out the three-goal-a-month diet.

Here are some of the things that I brought in to work yesterday morning for my third day:

Don't mind all the other stuff...this is the back room in our office. Let's see, what oh what do we have here...there's two boxes of delicious Crystal Light powder...I don't really know if it's delicious because I haven't tried it out yet, but it BETTER be delicious. There's a packet of two hard boiled eggs (I know, I bought hard-boiled eggs...I didn't have any eggs in the house to MAKE hard boiled eggs so I spent $2 on these two *wrinkles nose*, there's some weight friendly tapioca pudding, which kind of sucks because I thought I had grabbed rice pudding - ah well! There's snack packs of light, probiotice cheese and a fruit bowl! Oh there's also a snack pack of hummus and pretzel in there somewhere too!

So I'll have to say that yesterday was pretty good - CONFESSION: it was choir practice last night and we always have a little fellowship after we practice and it's kind of rude NOT to eat when the people who host practice have prepared stuff, so I had a TEENY miniscule amount of the pasta that they had made and *gasp* two pieces of garlic bread. YIKES! I knew I shouldn't have - especially at the late hour (I think it was around 9 pm that we started eating) but I didn't really feel all that bad. It wasn't in my three goals and I DID drastically reduce the amount of pasta that I ate, which would have been a LOT more had I not been conscious about the food that I'm eating. Plus, I made a note to probably put bread or pasta or something in my next month's goal. For lunch I went to Harvey's and had an original burger and a side salad and a bottle of water!

I also didn't feel too badly because even after my crazy kickboxing session yesterday and how my body was almost seized up on itself, I found another way to exercise throughout the day and get my butt off of this office chair!

This thing is AWESOME! Can you believe that my co-worker had this in her office for more than TWO MONTHS without me even knowing?! So I have secured a membership to her office so that I can use this throughout the day. Well, I don't really have a membership, more like I walk in there and use it!

It is HARD, I tell ya! I actually needed a little demonstration on how to use it because I couldn't see how jumping around on it would help you lose weight. But basically you get on it and you jog. Knees up high, jog, jog, jog and it's so cool! I wasn't even on it for a minute and I was already sweating! My co-worker can only do 3 - 5 minutes on it consecutively and she's been doing it for a while! So guess what Catherine did on her lunch hour?

BWAHAHAHAHA, I went ahead and bought one! I was on it last night for probably about 10 minutes altogether. I set it up and went about my house-ly duties (which is nothing like cleaning, or cooking or laundry, just to get it straight) and every time I walked by it, I just hopped on and did as much jogging as I could until I got winded and just hopped off.

So I definitely plan to implement that bad boy into my daily routine and my three goals a month! Hopefully it'll help move things along nicely! It'll be my break time in about half an hour so I'll be jumpin' around in my co-worker's office behind closed doors!


Time after time - Distant soundz

1 comment:

~BridgetL~ said...

You go girl, I love all your humor. Probably a good thing to have when on a life style change;)