Soooo, as if Marti and I haven't come up with enough crafty shenanigans (some of which coming up are SO FREAKING COOL, may I just add), we've decided to add another one to our proverbial plates - this one, not so crafty-related, hence the new BLOG!

So every month we've decided to set three 'small' goals for ourselves each in the categories of diet and exercise. We will focus on those goals for the entire month so as to not overwhelm ourselves or ask too much of ourselves (for now) so the temptation to quit is more unlikely (we're hoping!). If you wanna participate, feel free and let us know how it's working out for you! Or if you've got any tips, tricks, encouragement or suggestions, we ALWAYS want to hear them, so be sure to let us know!

Here we gooooo...

Monday, May 11, 2009

Day 4-5: Oh the weekend...

...was HARD! Good thing that I wasn't being super strict on myself to begin with or I would have fallen off the wagon already. I would have been RUN OVER by the wagon more like it!

CONFESSION: I ate one of those small double cheeseburgers from McDonald's. Which I know according to my goals is OKAY and I shouldn't feel bad since I didn't have any fries or pop...but I ate two of them. *LOL* I don't even feel bad...they were SO GOOD!

Anywho! Besides that little bit of greasy goodness, the weekend wasn't really that bad. I might have been a little bit naughty, but it's hard when there's events! I went to my friend's bridal shower and munched on the finger foods (vegetables, dip, etc.) and was reaching for the pop bottle when I remembered that I wasn't allowed to have pop, so I finished two bottles of water while I was there. Bart dragged me off to see Star Trek (which I'll have to admit now was VERY good considering I have never seen one full Star Trek episode at ALL!) and we shared our usual bag of popcorn and instead of pop, I had a bottle of Dasani water - which should already totally show my dedication since I think Dasani is DISGUSTING! That double osmosis thing is crap, the water tastes YUCKY! I don't feel that bad about the popcorn either, because sharing popcorn with Bart is like...survival of the fittest. If you dont' eat fast enough, it'll be gone by the second time you reach for another handful! *LOL*

Sunday was a bit hard, but I think I drank enough water and managed to get full before I went crazy. Celebrating Mother's Day with two mom's at two different houses where BOTH have food is HARD! Still no pop and no french fries either so everything else was fair game! BWAHAHAHAA....but I was trying to be good and I only had dessert at one house - and even then, I shared it with Bart and I've already explained to you what that was like!

Both Saturday and Sunday I was able to get in a little bit of exercise time in intermittently. These are now my new exercise buddies:

These things are AWESOME! I am having a freaking blast with the trampoline! It's fun and easy enough that I'm starting to wonder if I'm actually getting actual exercise! *LOL* But I really am, my accelerated heart rate and tons of sweat pouring down my face tell me so, so there! *sticks tongue out* I think I was a little over-zealous the first time I hopped on the trampoline with my new weights. I got all into the jogging with the arm movements that I accidentally smacked myself in the face with one of the weights...

So that was my first weekend right there, hopefully it will keep progressing better and better. I've sat with three people who ate french fries RIGHT IN FRONT of me and I didn't buckle once! The way that fast food and greasy fries had been making me feel before I started my diet has me feeling like I'm missing NOTHING by cutting them out of my diet. So already I really am noticing a difference after the first week! Bart and I eat out so many times that it had gotten to the point where RIGHT after we would finish eating - or sometimes even during - I'd start feeling REALLY bad and my stomach would be all rebelling and having a temper tantrum and the whole nine yards. I'll just leave it at that it wasn't a very pretty picture and I won't go into it more than that...but ever since I've cut out the grease and Bart and I have been trying to eat more home-cooked meals, I've been feeling pretty fantastic and not so tired! Am I sounding a little like an infomercial?

It's snack time for me, so I'm gonna skidaddle! Quaker Oatmeal to Go has got me ALL over it!

Have an awesome day, everyone!

P.S. So whatcha think about the new background?! *LOL* It's a little ironic, no? We LOVE IT!


Hollaback Girl - Gwen Stefani

1 comment:

Mary said...

Catherine, I love I hope you don't mind me following yours! :)

anyway, your comment about Bart and popcorn made me LOL something fierce...Paul is the exact same way..I like to savour my popcorn, one kernal at a time (so that i don't ea all those calories and not even ENJOY them) and he inhales 3/4 of the bowl at once.

I've weened Paul off pop (and off excessive juice actually..which I never thought he would do lol) .. it is more than possible !!!! you're doing great catherine, excited to read more about your journey :)