Soooo, as if Marti and I haven't come up with enough crafty shenanigans (some of which coming up are SO FREAKING COOL, may I just add), we've decided to add another one to our proverbial plates - this one, not so crafty-related, hence the new BLOG!

So every month we've decided to set three 'small' goals for ourselves each in the categories of diet and exercise. We will focus on those goals for the entire month so as to not overwhelm ourselves or ask too much of ourselves (for now) so the temptation to quit is more unlikely (we're hoping!). If you wanna participate, feel free and let us know how it's working out for you! Or if you've got any tips, tricks, encouragement or suggestions, we ALWAYS want to hear them, so be sure to let us know!

Here we gooooo...

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Day 12: Exceptions to the rules...

CONFESSION: I went into this evening fully intending to laugh in the face of the "diet."

There are certain things, I believe, that must relax the embarrassingly lax rules of this three-step diet...and chicken wings is one of them. Ah-ah-ah, hungry ones...not just ANY chicken wings, because that would be too easy! $0.49 chicken wings! I mean, when a big ol' chicken wing is half a dollar, you can't go wrong and therefore should not count at such a time as ridiculous as dieting.

Anywho, that's what I was telling myself the WHOLE day and all throughout Zumba class. I was shimmyin' and shakin' and thinkin' about wings! You know what? It's an awesome focus during an exercise! Because I was planning on eating wings, I was really pumping myself up! When I started feeling tired, my stomach said, "Oh no you don' have to give 'er even MORE because we're eating wings tonight, baby!" So push a little harder I did! I worked out MORE in anticipation of the delicious sin I was about to commit right after.

But alas, it was not meant to be. We get to the restaurant, my face all flushed with excitement (or sweat) and my breath coming in quick bursts of anxiety (or probably my lungs struggling and gasping for more air) only to be told that the server made a mistake. When she told us last week that THIS week would be the last week of wings, she was WRONG! *gasp* No wings?! I shimmied and shook every fat cell in my body just to be able to have wings and now you're telling me I CAN'T? UGH!

Everyone kind of stared at me while I had a little breakdown/temper trantrum...I think a foot was even stomped at one point. Everyone was like...why don't you just get the wings anyway, and I turned bugged out eyes at them and was like...when a chicken wing is MORE than a dollar each, OBVIOUSLY it has TONS of fat and calories in it! *mutters* morons... So obviously I couldn't have regular priced wings and instead ended up with this:

Cajun crusted salmon on a bed of rice. So even though I set out to be a very bad girl tonight, I guess I should feel kind of proud...the side choice originally offered with this dish was fries, mashed potatoes or rice and I chose rice. If you don't know how big a deal that is, consider that everyone who is close to me or knows me even a little knows that I would sell my first-born for mashed potatoes. If you don't think that's comparative since I don't have a first-born...I'd probably sell Bart to get a bowl of mashed potatoes. *LOL* Even Bart's dad knows that...during our wedding speech, he started off with how much he knows I love Bart, but he's not sure if I love mashed potatoes more...

Besides that nonexistent indiscretion, today went pretty well. I had two poached eggs on toast for breakfast, a yogurt with fresh raspberries and cereal for lunch and a 100 calorie snack bag of popcorn. Right before my break, I wrote an angry letter to our union president which in turn helped me to go a full seven minutes on the trampoline on my break. Rage is such an AWESOME motivator I tell you. I can run on rage for a long time...I remember one time, I got in a HUGE fight with my mom before going to the gym and I ran on the treadmill for like, almost an hour. I was so busy going over different scenarios in my head of what I should have said and laughing at the cool, witty comments I thought of AFTER the fact that I didn't even realize how long I was running for. I wonder who I could try to get to piss me off every single time I need to do some cardio...anywho, was a little lax on the water department and started kind of late and only ended up with three tall glasses of water at work and half of the water in my bottle at the gym. Oh one other little baddy...also had a strawberry mango dacquiri with dinner. CONFESSION: I don't even feel guilty about that. I'm such a light-weight that a sip of this and that could make me feel weak in the knees and woozy. I downed the glass I had so fast and felt NOTHING which leads me to believe their rum bottles are full of WATER. Therefore if there was no alcohol in my drink, it doesn't really count as a confessionable sin. UGH, CONFESSION: I ate a Cadbury Moments chocolate bar before I went to Zumba class...would you believe me if I said it was for energy?

Bah! I'll try to up it up tomorrow...I think I've got a visitor on the way which is probably why I've been feeling yuckier than normal...excuses, excuses...


Thats What You Get - Paramore

1 comment:

AShu93 said...

Thanks for the advice about the rage. I've been lax about the treadmill recently & if I know I can burn more calories by being angry with someone, I'll be on there for hours!