Soooo, as if Marti and I haven't come up with enough crafty shenanigans (some of which coming up are SO FREAKING COOL, may I just add), we've decided to add another one to our proverbial plates - this one, not so crafty-related, hence the new BLOG!

So every month we've decided to set three 'small' goals for ourselves each in the categories of diet and exercise. We will focus on those goals for the entire month so as to not overwhelm ourselves or ask too much of ourselves (for now) so the temptation to quit is more unlikely (we're hoping!). If you wanna participate, feel free and let us know how it's working out for you! Or if you've got any tips, tricks, encouragement or suggestions, we ALWAYS want to hear them, so be sure to let us know!

Here we gooooo...

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Day 16: If I knew then, what I know now...

...I wouldn't have been complaining about my weight.

As I type this, I'm looking at my brother's wedding pictures on Facebook that he just uploaded. His wedding was in May of 2006, so we're looking at about three years ago - wait. Wow, has it really been three years ago already? - anywho, as I was saying; I was looking at the pictures and if I look in the pictures where I am in them, you can see a slight discomfort hiding behind my smile. You can also see a slight awkwardness to the way that I'm standing - in which I'm trying to stand exactly so that my arms and hands are positioning my too small bouquet to try and cover my too large tummy. Well, "too large" is what I thought of at the time. If I had known then how much larger my tummy could get (and how it can wondrously push down my under garments all by itself without the aid of my hands!) I would have flaunted my figure then instead of trying to hide it and instead, started taking better care of myself so I wouldn't be where I am now.

May 2006: There's me down front (left side of monitor)

Ah, the clarity of hindsight!

As if that bridesmaid experience wasn't bad enough, skip two years later (I got married in between being bridesmaids) but this one doesn't count only because...

Corsets and photographers are nice to brides, they squeeze and tuck here and there and airbrush the rest that's left over. We had to loosen that baby about three times after dinner...*LOL* and when I was finally able to shed the second skin, there were corset track lines all over my torso and bruises on my hip bones from it having been so tight. Sexy...

...okay, so like I was saying, two years later (July 2008) to another nightmarish bridesmaid experience (nightmarish only for the fact that I felt fat and awkward the WHOLE day):


Good grief. This was tagged on Facebook and I un-tagged it so fast the person who added it was probably wondering if she even tagged it at all. Hahaha...I'm telling you, bridesmaids' bouquets are a gift to the bridesmaid from the florist. If they like you enough, they'll make yours slightly bigger than the rest of the skinny bridesmaids to cover more - the florist in both the photos was definitely it was my mother, so my bouquets got to be slightly larger to help out. *LOL*

Please tell me I'm not the only one who's ever done the opposite and graphically displayed their journey to weight-gain.

I seriously used to be scared to look at these pictures - especially the ones from last year. I feel bad that I'm not in more pictures with my closest cousin because I didn't want to be anywhere near the camera (or her skinny bride self) but I'm chalking it up now to, who cares! The past is in the past and I have to see everything for what it really is for me to be able to fix it. I can be sad about the weight and what I missed out because of it, or I can vow to work hard and fix it and never miss any other precious moments because of it.

With that said, we're movin' on like Mya!

I finally got my Wii Active to work and it is.Flippin'.AWESOME! wow, Wow, WOW! As usual, I jumped in headfirst and started out right away with the 30 Day Challenge and it was definitely a work out. THOUGHT: why is it that under normal circumstances, sweating is SO gross, but then while you're working out, the MORE beads of sweat I can feel actually trickling DOWN my neck and my face, the happier and more productive I feel? It's weird, it's not like sweat really shows anything, I mean...the air conditioner could be broken or something. *LOL* After getting over how much of an idiot I feel while jogging and doing back kicks on the spot (this coming from the fool who jumps around on a mini trampoline *LOL*) you can really get into it. Like I had come to the realization before, when it comes to almost ALL weight-loss stuff (diet pills not counting because they don't count - I'll have WAY more to say about that later) where was I? Oh right, when it comes to almost all weight-loss stuff, you get out of it what you put into it. You can't buy a workout DVD and say it didn't work if you kind of did it half-assed (sadly, doing it half-assed doesn't equal half an ass as a result, my friends). You can't start a new diet and really tell people that it didn't work if you didn't follow through.

I just finished this Day 2 this morning and my legs are REALLY feeling it. Like the burning, aching feeling - but I am feeling AWESOME. I can see now how some people can really get into this fitness can you not like the feeling of accomplishment and self-worth after? It's addicting!

Just finishing up my breakfast of a poached egg, Zero yogurt and Fiber 1 cereal to mix with the yogurt and I'll be ready to get on with the rest of my day. My grandparents are celebrating their 65th wedding anniversary today, so the entire family is convening for the special event! My grandparents have 11 children and 10 of them are here in Canada, so we actually had to rent out an entire hall to fit everyone comfortably (we also have to do this for Christmas and other family events - my dad's side of the family can no longer convene in houses without it getting destroyed). It's going to be a potluck so we'll see how my choices and decisions affect Day 16! Check back with ya later!

P.S. This Fibre 1 Raisin Cluster cereal is AWESOME in my yogurt. Since when did I start liking raisins?!


Check On It-Beyonce Feat.Slim - Mp.3

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