Soooo, as if Marti and I haven't come up with enough crafty shenanigans (some of which coming up are SO FREAKING COOL, may I just add), we've decided to add another one to our proverbial plates - this one, not so crafty-related, hence the new BLOG!

So every month we've decided to set three 'small' goals for ourselves each in the categories of diet and exercise. We will focus on those goals for the entire month so as to not overwhelm ourselves or ask too much of ourselves (for now) so the temptation to quit is more unlikely (we're hoping!). If you wanna participate, feel free and let us know how it's working out for you! Or if you've got any tips, tricks, encouragement or suggestions, we ALWAYS want to hear them, so be sure to let us know!

Here we gooooo...

Monday, May 18, 2009

Day 11: Reality bites...

...and when it does, I usually bite back. Unfortunately, it's on a boston cream donut *groans* This week marks the upcoming visit of an unwanted visitor...

I wouldn't say that I was off the wagon again today, moreso than I...disregarded the wagon. I saw it driving on by and waved as I chomped on a drumstick.

Long weekends are hard. They're more fun than being at work and thinking that dieting is more fun. One less day in the office means that it's harder to force myself to drink water when I'm out and about doing things than when I'm sitting at my desk feeling my rear end spreading itself out in it's own little butt-groove in my office chair. It's even harder when your husband has decided to renovate the ENTIRE kitchen and rips out not only the hardwood floor (to tile), the counters (to tile and to make room for my brand spankin' new dishwasher - he got tired of me not doing the dishes! *LOL*) and the stove/oven (we got a countertop stovetop instead and will eventually get a built-in oven one of these days, it's not rush because I've lived here for almost two years and have probably used the oven make interestingly shaped cupcakes for a bachelorette party...guess what the interesting shapes were...). We've had no way to cook any meals (besides our microwave plugged into the bathroom outlet...mmm..multitasking? *barf*) so we've been going out or inviting ourselves over to our families places. Besides that little french fry debacle yesterday, I've been keeping up with everything else.

Today, Bart and I had two poached eggs each. I used my new microwave egg cookers and they are AWESOME! Totally loving on those...for now I'll pretend that zapping my eggs using micro waves in thirty seconds is not at all disturbing. Had two pieces of toast and spread my poached eggs on them, sea salt and pepper and they were gone! Those will be breakfast tomorrow! After that we got busy with the kitchen (I am an EXCELLENT supervisor, lemme tell you. I supervised the renos AND got a book read and reviewed in that time as well!) and later on we went over to my aunt and uncle's place for a BBQ and fireworks (for those not pledging allegiance to a red maple leaf on your flag, today is Victoria Day = no work on a Monday! Good ol' Victoria...I raise a chicken drumstick to you as well!) The evening meal wasn't actually all that bad though...the chicken was done up on a rotisserie on my uncle's BBQ and it was DELICIOUS and I had a whole lot of SALAD and asparagus. CONFESSION: the salad was dressed with Rene's caesar dressing...and it wasn't the light kind *winces*. Which was probably why I was able to eat so much salad in the first place.

But whatevs! First long weekend with the new "diet" or goal to a better, healthier me and it's over and done with. Choices were made and the food consumed. I will not feel bad, but I will acknowledge that it wasn't the BEST of weekends and will hold myself accountable. I will make new goals for this week and will work to do better.

Tomorrow is back to work which means that I will be better able to control my consumption and water intake. Tomorrow's goal is to eat all three meals - especially breakfast and will have two healthy snacks in the morning and the afternoon. My goal is to return to my 'as much water as I can drink' goal which is roughly around 4 tall glasses of water from 8:30 am - 4:30 pm and I will get two 15-minute activities in (my trampoline-ing on morning and afternoon breaks). Tomorrow is also Tuesday which means Zumba class so there is an hour's worth of cardio. I will TRY very hard not to succumb to too many unnecessary water breaks and will vow to shake it like a polaroid picture.



Monkey Wrench - Foo Fighters

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